Saturday, September 1, 2012

God's gifts to women

You may think this blog is about being born Transsexual.

Maybe you think it’s about establishing you are, and the how to proceed in/with treatment.

Maybe you think I’m here to help girls born with the transsexual medical condition? (To a degree yes, but)

You’d be wrong.

This blog is about living life as a woman and how I experience life as one. The things I do and have learned, in my relatively short time on this earth living the life I live.

If there is mention in my posts about Transsexualism and issues relevant to that condition (and there will likely often be) that is simply because I was born with that condition and it has shaped my outlook/perspective on life in some ways.

Some women WERE born with that condition, I am one of them. However, that is just one factor that has influenced me and how I experience life.

Many of the things in this blog are relevant to women on the whole. The blog is about WOMANHOOD (see title) not TRANSSEXUAL-HOOD, or TRANSSEXUAL BORN WOMAN-hood.

Just womanhood.

OK, So having said that; I’d like to share an aspect of life that has developed in me as I’ve grown from a girl to a young woman.

Most females are born destined to grow into and be women. They are NOT born already women, they are born girls and mature into women as they age and gain the level of life experience that their culture or society requires of them, before it considers them to be no longer a girl, but from then on, a woman.

There is no celebration, no official ceremony, womanhood just becomes apparent to the individual and those around her, as her life progresses and she matures and the title becomes relevant to her.

Society and human instinct are a wondrous, fascinating and truly magnificent machine; that for all intents and purposes, is totally invisible to 99% of the world’s (willingly oblivious) population.

"Get to the point" you say!


There is much more that separates males and females, men and women, then simply the physical traits that make up their body. More than Chromosomes, more than genetics, more than reproductive capabilities.

Certainly, those things are all factors, however, there is an even bigger factor that is more often that not completely overlooked and/or not even recognized or understood by the bulk of society.

Sex Identity....
That which is innate in a person’s brain.

Although it is not understood by common people or even considered, every human has the instinctive ability to sense it in another person.

We don’t have to check a person’s “draws” to know where they fit in the world relative to sex, and how that aspect of them could potentially relate to us.

There are things that separate a male and a female (innate) sex identity that go further than just what genitals they are each supposed to have, and those other aspects also help us identify who is what, as they are displayed visibly to others through our actions and emotions.

If you are someone with a male (innate) sex identity; you KNOW subconsciously (and possibly also consciously), that you are, and so does everyone else. There are aspects of a female sex identity that you will never poses or attain, things that are required fundamentally, in order for others to identify you as female, and the same but opposite goes for females.

Basically, you ARE what you ARE (in the brain) and always have been, regardless of whether people have always recognised you correctly or not.

Anyway, so I want to talk about an aspect of a female sex identity that has developed in me over time, and that I think is relevant to all women and girls developing into women.

What is it?

I have come to think this thing, these “abilities” are what society uses to draw the line between girl and woman.

Each girl must learn and develop these traits in herself if she is to mature into a woman.

What are they?

Just like there are traits that men have, abilities unique to their sex (things like physical strength etc), that give them capabilities and advantages in certain aspects of life over women. Women also have their own set of abilities that are unique to THEIR sex, and that give THEM certain advantages over men in certain aspects of life.

This is often not known about, because in women, the additional abilities aren’t often as outwardly visible as they are in men.

Women have heightened senses in comparison to men.

Humans see with their eyes, hear with their ears, smell with their nose, taste with their tongue etc etc.

That is commonly understood by most, but what isn’t understood, is that as a girl develops into a woman (and in order FOR her to), she hones and increases her sensory abilities.

To grow from a girl to a woman, she must develop the ability to see not just with her eyes, but also with her ears and to hear; not just with her ears but also with her eyes.
She learns to speak and communicate not just through her voice, but also through her thoughts, her decisions and her actions.

These traits or abilities combined, are commonly referred to by some as; "female (or woman’s) intuition". They are unique to female minded people, and are an understood and subconsciously expected fundamental used by humans to Identify the female sex identity.

Often their development in a girl, corresponds with aging and fading beauty. Developing these traits becomes necessary for her in order to maintain validity and a perception in her society of worth.

IE: the beauty of youth that society once valued her for, has faded (or is fading), and if she is to maintain value to society and to a mate, (and therefore not end up alone and unloved) she needs to develop in herself other ways to be seen as valuable and purposeful

To be a girl is special, it is a gift.

To be a woman is also special, but it is not a gift, it is a responsibility.

No doubt it is Special and unique in its own ways to be a boy and then a man as well

However, I cannot talk to that subject as that is not who or what I AM, what I am becoming, or what am destined to be, just as someone with a male (innate) sex identity, might pontificate were he to attempt the same with regards to womanhood.